MINUTES 7/13/2012 BOARD MEETING Meeting Location: Janney Montgomery Scott Offices 2315 N Susquehanna Trail York Pa Attending: Bachman, Glezer, Kozak, Yingling Phil Kozak presided and called the meeting to order at at 10:00 a.m. The Minutes of March 15 2012 Board meeting were approved as posted at the SM2 website. Presidents Report: The Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday September 20 triggers the following schedule of events: Organization Meeting of New Board of Directors must be conducted within 10 days after the Annual Meeting. August 31 2012 Notice of Annual Meeting needs to be mailed to all unit owners containing:
July 27 2012 Invitation to fill Board vacancies with blank Personal Information Sheet forms USPS mailed to all owners Annual Meeting Discussions A draft of the Notice of Annual Meeting and Agenda was approved as presented. A draft of the Personal Information Sheet of election candidates was approved as presented. The Boards expects the Declarant to relinquish control before September 2013 after the sale of the last unit; accordingly, the Declarants seat on the Board which expires 9/30/2014 will be included in this years election. The Personal Information Sheet will include two new sections: a list of Board duties (Secretary, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Webmaster, Landscaping Guru, Maintnance Guru, Snow Removal Guru) for candidates to indicate where they wish to volunteer their services and a list of vacant Board seats with their expiration dates for candidates to choose from; multiple selections are possible in both sections. The Board reviewed the June 30th 2012 financial balances of almost $92,000 and the list of reports contained in the 2011 Financial Summary; since total transparency of all financial transactions continues to be available at our website or via monthly pdf files and the 2011 Financial Summary was competely thorough, the Board recommends that the books be approved by the association as is for now but remain subject to future examination; the Boards recommendation requires Association approval at the annual meeting. Declarants Report: (Submitted via emails by Keith Hamberger) 1. We are in the process of finishing 2927 Halstead; it should be complete some time in August; there is no contract at present. 2. If there are repairs for owners please have them contact me or Keith Ahrens direct, they should not be going thru the board for these items. 3. Dead shrubs were replaced about the new building and the light pole on the south end of the Halstead island was straightened. 4. Concerning 7 drainage, downspout and landscape issues totaling approx $3000, I don’t think the builder is responsible at this point in time for issues estimated to be 4, 7 and 13 years old. Secretary/Treasurer Report: (1) There are no delinquent unit owners. (2) Our homeowners insurance was renewed; our basement sump pump failure claims from September 2011 did not trigger the loss of our insurance. (3) Citizens Bank incorrectly deposited three checks into the account of "Spring Meadows Associates II" instead of our "Spring Meadows II Condominium Association"; our unit owners had not included our account number on the deposit slip & Citizens selected the wrong Spring Meadows II account; our accounts were subsequently made whole. Ink pad stamps with our name and account number have been purchased and deposit slips distributed to owners shall henceforth shall be stamped to include our correct account number. (4) It has been learned that bringing substantial "new" money to commercial money market accounts MAY result in increased interest rates for ALL monies in such accounts. This should be explored in January 2013 by the then current Treasurer by bundling annual payments from about half of our unit owners. (5) Website bank statements for March April May & June of 2012 have been without transaction details; owners were invited to receive monthly pdf files instead; there have been no takers. Old Business: (1) Phil presented proposed Rule 27 language concerning real estate and security service signs; it was tweeked then approved. (2) Phil presented proposed bylaw change language concerning compensation of Board members; it was approved. (3) Phil presented a summary of Minutes and emails policy changes and decisions over past few years; it was agreed to add some to our rules and to include others in a "Policy" webpage at our website. (4) Mailbox survey will be conducted (5) Judy: Landscaping update
Patio Shade Providing Items Semi-permanent tentlike shade units were discussed and they were not approved. Traditional patio table umbrellas are permitted with or without tables. Permanently installed electric awnings are permitted. Permanently installed manual awnings are not permitted. Review of Rules & Regulations There were 15 responders to the monkey-survey; the survey garnered positive reviews. Each new or edited rule will be voted upon individually for ratification or rejection by the unit owners at the annual meeting. Ratified bylaws, rules and regulations will be recorded at the courthouse before the declarant relinquishes control. Highlights of proposed rule changes include:
The Secretary recommended and the Board approved obtaining legal council to specifically detail proper insurance claims handling. The Board approved the practice of sending certified letter(s) to any owners using SM2 insurance claims to notify them of a one year deadline to submit claims. Dryer Vents It is the responsibility of unit owners to clean the exterior dryer vents of their units. Satellite Dishes The only satellite dish that has been installed per the rules of acquiring prior Board approval is that of the President's. Per the recommendation of the Board, the dish was mounted in a shrub bed to avoid putting a hole in the roof. The Board decided owners are responsible for any water damage due to leaks attributed to dish installation. Annual Audit Recommendation The Board, after confirming that:
Marie Bachman recommended and the Board approved that the Treasurer, or any other person paying the bills, cannot approve their own reimbursements; requested reimbursements are to be communicated to the entire Board and must be approved by at least one other Board member before proceeding with the reimbursement. Next Meeting Date: Next meeting to be 10:00 am September 28 2012 at the Janney Montgomery Scott Offices Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:36 pm Phil |