MINUTES: Spring Meadows II Condominium Association September 23, 2011 Board Meeting 10:00 am Morgan Collins South George St York PA Ben Glezer presided and called the meeting to order at 9:55 am. Board members in attendance were: Glezer, Hamberger, Kimball, Kozak, and Yingling Minutes of the 9/13/2011 Board Meeting, as posted on the SM2 website, were approved. DECLARANTS REPORT Keith Ahrens was highly commended by the Board for his extraordinary efforts to assist with roof shingle replacements and flooded basements during the recent aftermath of torrential rains and winds. Keith Hamberger was asked to review the costs of those incidents and advise us accordingly. Keith H said he would review loose stonework and the punch list of repairs with Keith A. Keith H has agreed to review our request to contribute to the reseeding around the newest building, and drainage issues between 2911-2913 and 2932-2939; Keith agreed to get back with us by Monday 9/26/2011. Keith Hamberger reported that he had heard from his lawyer and that the half-condo-fee payment for the model unit for 2011 was fully agreed upon. SM2 agreed to service the snow & ice removal of the model unit this winter. Bylaw changes will be forwarded to him for his Declarant approval and signature. Keith Hamberger had to leave at 10:35 to attend another meeting elsewhere. NOMINATION & ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS The board was evenly divided at to whether Ben or Kim should be President this next term; a co-presidency was briefly contemplated but rejected because it is not included in the bylaws; the compromise reached was that Kim's duties would be immediately expanded to permit a smooth transition a year from now when Ben's term expires. NEW BUSINESS The 2012 Landscaping Contract with W&S was approved and signed. The 2011-12 Snow & Ice Removal Contract with W&S was approved and signed. The fall seeding/aeration proposals with W&S were approved. The drainage issue proposals for 2911-2913 and 2932-2939 were approved. The retention pond landscaping proposal was approved. Patio Size Issue: a unit owner (in a very nice and non-confrontational manner) asked for help from the Board in getting a larger patio; his patio is smaller than others around him for no apparent reason. The Board recognized its responsibility to properly address the request and make a decision. Information associated with the request includes:
(SM2 Marketing literature included 10' x 20' patios for all units as a feature but was subject to change e.g. Anderson Windows & 40 year roofing.) The following items summarize those findings:
Further Board discussions dealt with what was "legal" versus what was "right". The Board was unanimous that, if it was requested to approve a larger patio at no cost to the Association, it would do so. The Board then considered a proposal to mitigate the issue by sharing the cost with the builder; the Board was evenly divided and voted 2-2 to "not open that can of worms" thus leaving the issue unresolved. DELEGATION OF DUTIES Judy will be the direct contact with W&S and owners for all issues related to lawns and landscaping . Ben will be direct contact with W&S and owners for all issues related to snow & ice removal. Kim will be the direct contact with vendors and contractors for maintenance and repair items; a list of units needing painting and/or power washing was compiled during the 9/19 walk around; estimates from more than 1 contractor are to be obtained and a budget prepared for 2012 by October 21, 2011. Phil will continue as Secretary/Treasurer. Owners will be reminded to submit issues and concerns in writing; easiest way is to just email board@rriver.com TREASURERS REPORT As of 9/23/2011 there were no delinquent accounts. SM2 did have a deposited check bounce; the owner has paid the $20 bounce fee and a $30 late fee. NEXT MEETING DATE: Friday November 18, 2011 10:00 am at Morgan-Collins ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm. Phil Kozak, Secretary/Treasurer |