Minutes: Spring Meadows II Condominium Association July 29, 2011 Board Meeting 10:00 am Morgan Collins 908 S. George St York PA Ben Glezer presided and called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. Board members in attendance were: Glezer, Hamberger, Kimball, Kozak, and Yingling Minutes of the 5/6/2011 Board Meeting, as posted on the SM2 website, were approved. President's Report: Ben attended a SMHA Board meeting; landscaping of the Lewisberry entrance area was reviewed. SMHA will continue to maintain the shrub bed and entrance sign. SM2 will use W&S to cut the entrance area grass so that all grass gets cut on the same day. SM2 will pick up the cost of fertilizing and grass cutting the corner entrance area. Declarant's Report: Repairs are continuing; Ben & Kim reported positive feedback from owners has been received. Loose stonework: call Keith Ahrens directly; his cell number will be included in a private email to owners. Sales: No unit sales are under contract. A contribution of $465 to SM2 was received and appreciated for trenching the shrub beds. The trenching was necessary to move rain water away from buildings. Landscaping Chairpersons Report Judy presented a review of what has been done and what is still to be done. Feedback has been 100% positive concerning the new trees lining the streets. Judy will see that re-staking 2 of the new trees and the transplanted oak gets done. Owners have cooperated very well by watering the new shrubs and trees. This cooperation maximizes our appearance for sales/resales and saves the association money. The new shrubs behind just one unit will not make it due to lack of water. A more tolerant shrub may be planted at that unit next spring; if not, dead shrubs will be replaced with just mulch. The retention area will be improved in the fall. The Board decided not to proceed with a new shrub bed at the corner of Fox Tail & Fox Meadow. Fall aeration/overseeding as was done last year is planned. Drainage between 2911-2913 is a continuing problem; the builder will revisit to see what can be done. Owners are encouraged to water their front lawns in particular during any upcoming dry periods. This will help to avoid the costly repairs we experienced last summer. Reserve Study Ben, Kim & Phil will meet evening of 8/1 to start finalizing replacement cost and life calculations. Asphalt areas will be walked and measured to compute replacement costs. Outside painting will start next year; we will get firm quotes for budgeting; the builder provided the cell number of his painter. There will be a fall walk around to inventory where painting needs to occur in 2012. Any non-white painted rear doors that get painted next year will be returned to white to maintain common appearance. Parking Owners are asked to be considerate of their neighbors. Since there are not enough common parking spaces for everyone, there should be no routine parking in common spaces for anyone. Common parking spaces are it be used by visitors and temporarily by unit owners. Secretary/Treasurer Report Budget vs actual: no surprises; insurance has gone up with the addition of the the new building. Condo Fee Payment Delinquencies: none as of 7/29/2011, however... Condo fees are due the 1st of each month; any payment with a bank deposit date of the 7th or later is delinquent. 4 unit owners are bending the rules by being late a day or two; 1 unit owner was late a few days more. (These 5 unit owners have been contacted separately.) In the past, if accounts were paid up by the time they were reviewed, they got a pass and no late fees were charged. Citizens Bank is now reporting delinquencies on a timely basis and issuing auditable reports showing who is delinquent. The Treasurer must report delinquency amounts on new loan and re-financing applications with lenders and realtors. Delinquencies can no longer be handled informally and late charges will be charged any time a deposit is recorded after the 6th. Annual Meeting Date: Thursday September 15th 2011 6:00 pm at Johnston Park Owners are requested to submit annual meeting agenda items to Board members. Annual meeting to include election & by law voting, year-to-date and 2012 estimated budgets, reserve study and landscaping review. Notice of annual meeting and proxy to be mailed 8/24/2011. Next Meeting Date: Friday September 2, 2011 10:00 at Morgan Collins on South George St. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm. Phil Kozak, Secretary/Treasurer 7/30/2011 |