Spring Meadows II Condominium Association
May 6, 2011 Board Meeting 10:00 am
Morgan Collins
908 S. George St York PA

Ben Glezer presided and called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.
Board members in attendance were: Glezer, Kimball, Kozak, Yingling
Minutes of the 1/11/11 Board Meeting, as posted on the SM2 website, were approved.

President's Report:
Landscaping of the site looks super; the Spring Walk Around to be an annual event.

Declarant's Report: (submitted via email)
No New unit sales; closing for Unit 3 (2905 Sloane) to be late May or early June
Repairs are continuing.
Trenching contribution will be considered when costs submitted by Treasurer.

Landscaping Chairpersons Report
Judy presented landscape design drawings and quotations covering:

    * Spring walk around shrub and tree replacements ($743)
    * Spring walk around shrub bed water drainage improvements ($470)
    * Retention pond berm improvements ($4425)
    * Installing new shrub bed surrounding the utility box on Foxtail Drive ($695)
    * Planting Norway Maples along roadways ($2765)
    * Installing new shrub bed at corner of Fox Meadow & Fox Tail ($3255)
    * Improving/Repairing Entrance Island ($1180)

The new shrub bed at corner of Fox Meadow & Fox Tail will be revisited this fall.
All were approved except the new shrub bed at corner of Fox Meadow & Fox Tail.
Operations will be charged $743 and $9535 will be capitalized.
The capitalization will add approximately $0.86 to monthly condo fees starting in 2012.     
W&S will complete all of the landscaping work.
W&S pricing was competitive; other contractors had no availability.

Lewisberry Road Entrance
The Board discussed appearance of Lewisberry Road entrance;
SMHOA was doing a great job cutting the entrance area grass;
SMHOA does not provide weed service;
because we use two contractors, the entrance area grass doesn’t always get cut on the same day.
To improve the ongoing appearance of the entrance area, the Board decided to use our contractors.
That way, grass gets cut on same day and we get weeds treatments.
These costs will be subtract those fees from our annual payments to SMHOA.
A letter to SMHOA will be sent advising SM2 is taking over the maintenance.      

Watering During Summer
Owners are encouraged to water their front lawns in particular during any upcoming dry periods.
This will help to avoid the costly repairs we experienced last summer.

Maintaining Common Appearance
There will be no exterior painting done this year.
There will be a fall walk around to inventory where painting needs to occur in 2012.
Any non-white painted rear doors that get painted next year will be returned to white to maintain common appearance.


Owners are asked to be considerate of their neighbors.
Since there are not enough common parking spaces for everyone, there should be no routine parking in common spaces for anyone.
Common parking spaces are it be used by visitors and temporarily by unit owners.

Reserve Study
Board agreed to complete the study so it may be reviewed at the annual meeting.

Secretary/Treasurer Report
Budget vs actual: no surprises; insurance will go up with the closing in the new building.
Condo Fee Payment Delinquencies: None
Annual fee pre-pay rebates; 5 unit owners will receive $24 rebates in June.
Annual Meeting Date: Thursday September 15th 2011 6:00 pm at Johnston Park
Owners are requested to submit annual meeting agenda items to Board members.
Snow/Ice Removal Survey Final Tally: 22/23 owners replied $0 (no change in services)
Driveway Sealing Survey Final Tally: 7 neutral, 9 no, and 9 yes.
By Law Changes: continuing; will be voted upon at annual meeting

Next Meeting Date: Friday July 29, 2011 10:00 at Morgan Collins on South George St.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at noon.

Phil Kozak, Secretary/Treasurer