A Board meeting was conducted 10/15/2010 at the Morgan Collins offices on South George St from 1:15 pm until 4:30 pm.
Ben Glezer & Phil Kozak were in attendance. Following are the topics and minutes:
Construction Deficiency Survey 
13 Pink Sheet and or emails have been received so far; Ben Glezer will consolidate the information contained in the replies and communicate back to the builder and owners. The Board will press for timely roof repair.
Snow Removal Survey
14 Blue Level of Service Surveys have been received so far; Phil Kozak will collect and consolidate the information on 10/31 and Board will use the information when Board contracts for snow removal early November.
Additional Trees Along Fox Meadow Road
Missing trees have been determined NOT to be part of site plan for SM2. No further action by the Board planned.
Uniform External Unit Appearance
No need to amend the Declaration or By-laws; PA's Uniform Condominium Act 68 PA C S 3213 (2) states that a unit owner may not change the appearance of the common elements or the exterior appearance of a unit without the permission of the association.
Board Election Progress
Judy Yingling 2911 Sloan has thrown her hat into the ring, thereby making history as the first female SM2 unit owner to do so.
Annual Meeting
By-laws require annual meeting third Thursday each September
Board must announce meeting within 20-60 days prior to the meeting. 
!st Choice Johnston Park - walk able, just big enough, $60
2nd Choice Emigsville Park - larger, but further away, $60.
3rd Choice Holiday Inn Loucks Rd, $150
Both old side and new side by-laws have annual meeting required third Thursday in Sept
We may need to bend the rules and meet on Wednesday before third Thursday to get preferred meeting room.   
Lawn Repair
W&S were finishing up on the aeration/seeding on 10/15
All feedback so far has been positive
Shrub replacements have been ordered for installation soon.
Some additional tree trimming still to occur.
Linda Leeper of Morgan Collins provided 2009 and 2010 YTD income and expense financial information.
SM2 financial records for 2009 were checked and found to reconcile with the 2009 income tax return that was filed for SM2. 
Board is to review the financials, make necessary estimates and adopt a budget by 11/1/2010
Board to mail adopted budget to owners by 11/5/2010
Reserve Study
The Board cannot ascertain if SM2 reserve funds are too little, about right or too large; additional analyzes are required. 
The Board has therefore made a decision to proceed with a Reserve Study to better define when and how much future replacements might occur and cost. 
The purpose of a Reserve Study to to assure no future surprise assessments for replacement of common elements like roofs.
Reserve Studies quantify the amount of each item (e.g. 37 roofs), the useful life of the item ( X years ), the remaining life of the item ( Y years)  and an estimate of the cost of replacement (Z dollars). A cash requirement versus time can then be scheduled and funded accordingly.
The SM2 study will be done in house; and will take a few months but no longer than a year to complete.
Pennsylvania Law does not require a reserve study; 13 states do have Reserve Study requirements that the Board can use as guideline to discover best practices for assembling a Reserve Study. A good reference of the process can be found at http://www.dre.ca.gov/pdf_docs/re25.pdf
Morgan-Collins has been providing the accounting services of Linda Leeper free of charge.
Morgan-Collins is very receptive to our doing our accounting elsewhere.
We are in discussions with a bank which will at no fee to us collect all our monthly payments and do our monthly condo fee record keeping by unit and also will provide BillPay to automate most of the manual check writing that is currently being done at Morgan-Collins; this would leave us with less than a dozen checks to do manually per year.
If we are able to meet with them and confirm these services, we will begin the process of transition.
Post Office Box
SM2 will acquire its own P O Box so as to have its own address:
1st Choice Emigsville  
2nd Choice White Street (probably none available)
Professional Condo Management
Board has decided to continue to handle things ourselves.
bcc: 22 unit owners